Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino Breaks Silence On Viral Trump Tweet

When Anthony Constantino decided to share his unfiltered thoughts on social media about the hate that Donald Trump and his supporters have been getting, the backlash quickly started pouring in.

Constantino, the CEO of Sticker Mule, shared an extensive post on X that quickly went viral and started an avalanche of responses – some positive, but most not. And after threats to boycott his company, death threats, and bullying, Constantino has no regrets and is not backing down, but instead sharing his story to offer a powerful narrative of authenticity and courage in business.

Sticker Mule’s CEO spoke exclusively with The Blast to further clarify his stance and discuss the principles at the company.

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Anthony Constantino Struck A Nerve On Social Media And Is Receiving Backlash

Constantino shared a plea to “stop the hate” on X a few weeks ago and the backlash quickly began.

“Donald Trump was shot. I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far,” he began his now-viral tweet. “People are terrified to admit they support Trump. I’ve been scared myself. Americans shouldn’t live in fear.”

He then explained that he’s a Trump supporter and many of his employees at Sticker Mule are as well. He also said that some of his employees support Biden.

“The political hate needs to stop,” he continued, before talking about the attempted assassination of Trump.

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“Today a bullet almost killed Donald Trump. He’s got five kids. One’s still a teenager. No one should have to die and sacrifice the happiness of their family to run for office. If Donald Trump can risk that, the least the rest of us can do is vocalize our support and help end the hate.” 

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Anthony Constantino Calls For The ‘Hate’ To End

Donald Trump at 2024 Republican National Convention

Constantino’s tweet, which more than 11 million people viewed, continued with a message to end the “hate.” 

“The more people realize that kind-hearted, compassionate people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end. I’m speaking up today and will do more in the future to stop this insane political hate,” he continued. 

“Awesome people, all over the world, love Trump. Don’t limit your friendships, and diminish your happiness by indulging in political hate.”

He concluded his tweet by simply asking people to, “Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.” 

It didn’t take long before his tweet grabbed the attention of millions, and many viewers shared their thoughts in return. Many responses were filled with negativity and even threats, and many vowed to never give Sticker Mule any more business.

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Many Viewers Had Something Negative Or Hateful To Share

Sticker Mule
Instagram | Sticker Mule

Some people who read the tweet, which was also shared on Instagram, felt compelled to respond to Constantino’s message about stopping the hate with negativity and harsh words. And others briefly explained their stance.

“While I agree with you to an extent; I’m now done supporting Sticker Mule. Thanks for showing your true self,” one response reads. Another says, “Yeah no one should have been violent. But I’m glad you posted this because I’ve given you a lot of business and that needs to stop lol.” 

And the negative comments didn’t stop there. 

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“I’m disappointed in Anthony and Sticker Mule and have put in a support request for my Sticker Mule account to be deleted. I recommend that anyone else who finds this corporate soapboxing inappropriate and distasteful should make a similar request,” one person wrote. 

Another added, “What a shame. I’ve used you guys for years, for my business, for my wedding, recommended you to countless people. Never again. I’m a woman with too much on the line to lose in this election. Shame on you, this isn’t political this is about morality and StickerMule lacks that.”

Hoping To Help ‘Solve The Biggest Problems’

Sticker Mule
Contributed Photo: Sticker Mule

The CEO of Sticker Mule told The Blast exclusively that one of the principles at the company is to “solve the biggest problems that are within our power to solve.” 

“I like to solve the biggest problems that are within my power to solve. Right now, the fact that tens of millions of people hate hundreds of millions of other people is, I think, one of the bigger problems in the world,” he told The Blast. “I knew there was this problem with hatred of Trump supporters.

Constantino said that his company Sticker Mule has a “great reputation” and is an international, global company and has been since day one. 

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“I built a company that operates in 30-plus countries. So, by definition, we’re an insanely diverse company. I like diversity, even before it was a buzzword. I didn’t pursue it for whatever points in people’s minds. I just did it because I like diversity.” 

He explained that from his personal experience, Trump supporters come from all different backgrounds and most people have “good hearts.” 

“The hate directed at them is really ridiculous. It’s a ridiculous phenomenon that shouldn’t be happening in the world,” he said. “I knew this hatred existed. I thought I wrote a rather tame, unifying message where I just simply said, the hate needs to stop.”

Anthony Constantino And Employees Getting Death Threats And Bullied

Constantino went on to say that while he already knew there was a lot of hate being spewed when it comes to Trump and his supporters, the response he got from his tweet “verified” it for him. 

“I did correctly identify a big problem, because if you look at what I wrote, it was a really thoughtful, kind-hearted message, tame message, and the reaction was go kill yourself, or I want to kill you,” he told The Blast. “We got a number of actual outright death threats, thousands of calls for people who wanted me to kill myself, or people who work at Sticker Mule to kill themselves. That’s not something people should do to anyone, because there are incidents where people have responded. The response, in a sense, did shock me, but it also verified that I correctly identified a big problem.” 

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And despite the backlash, Constantino said he doesn’t regret his tweet at all. This instance wasn’t the first time he’s experienced such hate over supporting Trump. 

“I got a front-row seat to the hatred directed at Trump supporters actually dating back to 2016. I made a small donation to candidate Trump at the time. I bought Christmas ornaments off his website as a joke. I thought it would be fun to hand out to various people, whether they were Trump supporters or not,” he explained.

“Actually, everyone loved it and thought it was a funny joke, but it counted as a campaign contribution. So some influencer, small-time influencer, found out about it and posted about it. It went viral. Before he even became president, it went viral and it went nuts for about a week.”

Anthony Constantino Is An ‘Accidental Entrepreneur’

Sticker Mule
Contributed Photo: Sticker Mule

Constantino shared that he doesn’t do things trying to make money and called himself an “accidental entrepreneur.”

“Staring a company was interesting and I like solving problems,” he told The Blast. “I used to love video games when I was a kid and running a company is just like a big interactive video game where you get to talk to people and have fun. I had a lot of fun building the company.”

Sticker Mule started with just a handful of people and now boasts 1,200 employees in 30-plus countries.

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“It’s given me a lot of great experiences. Most recently, we just launched a really cool storage platform. So we build the whole company on the basis of people coming and buying through us,” he shared. “We’re trying to build the easiest way for people to sell products online and make a living for themselves. That just came out last week and we already had 700 people set up stores.”

For more information on Sticker Mule, visit their website.

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